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Q&A Krystal Goodman

Catching up with the nutritionist, personal trainer, and of course, paddler 

Current Location: Knoxville, TN  

Can Be Found: Coaching at Orange Theory and HYLO Fitness, leading fitness classes for corporate offices, working on a new healthy recipe, on the local news, running half marathons (just completed her 13th!) 

Certifications: Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP)  

Owner: Klean It Up Nourish  

Tell us a bit about your history with fitness. 

I’ve always been into fitness, working out, and sports in general. When I was young, I did gymnastics for a while, and then I got into softball, and then I ended up in soccer and actually played one year of college soccer, which really got me into running. After transferring schools and no longer playing college soccer, I got more into working out and running.  

Were you always planning a career in fitness? 

I was actually going to school to be a nurse. But then I did my first nutrition class in school and really enjoyed it, so that’s when I switched my major to nutrition. And then I decided to get my personal training certification. So, I’ve been personal training since about 2008-2009. 

Tell us about your first paddle boarding experience.  

The first time I ever went paddle boarding was in Asheville, North Carolina. I’d never tried paddle boarding and neither had my friend. So, we rented hard boards there and it turned out being this long, nearly 6-mile paddle boarding trip all the way down the river. So, it was definitely more than you’d want to attempt your first time! Fortunately, they had a bus pick us up at the end and drive us back. But it was fun, I really enjoyed it! 

How did you end up with an iROCKER paddle board?  

I’ve always had a couple friends that had paddle boards, so I would go with them and borrow theirs. And then about a year ago, a friend invited me and when I showed up, she had these iROCKER boards all set up and ready to go. So, we went paddling and then we came back, and she started letting air out of them and I was like, “What?? These are inflatable??” I said, “Oh my gosh, the whole reason I haven’t thought to buy one is because I live in a studio apartment downtown, I don’t really have the room or the storage.” You couldn’t tell at all the boards were inflatable.  

So, that was my first experience on an inflatable board, and I went out and bought an iROCKER CRUISER ULTRA. 

You recently were on the local Knoxville news with your iROCKER. How did that come about? 

I’ve been doing the news once a month for about 4 years now. It used to be I would just do a recipe or something involving nutrition. But they recently decided to add a segment about working out in addition to going in the kitchen and making a healthy snack of some sort.  

So, the reason I decided to bring my iROCKER paddle board on was with the weather being nice now with spring into summer, a lot of people are looking to get outside to do workouts. And I don’t think a lot of people realize how much paddle boarding really is a workout. Plus, the board is also awesome for people to see on TV, so I thought it would be cool to bring in and show.  

How does paddling play into your fitness routine? 

Paddle boarding is definitely a great core workout, it requires so much balance. I haven’t taken an actual yoga class out on the water yet, but I’ve done a few yoga poses on my board, like crow pose and headstands. I think it’s pretty cool to try things like that on there for the added challenge. And then the paddling itself is all upper body. But it really is a total body workout. Even the muscles in my feet will feel sore the next day from gripping the board! 

Who do you like to paddle with? 

The best thing is that my dog likes it, so I get to take him with me! The first time I ever took him on it he was definitely a little nervous, so I couldn’t really stand up. But he’s gotten used to it now. He’s a border collie poodle mix so he’s called a Bordoodle. And he has his cute little life vest just in case I have to get him out of the water.  

What advice would you have for beginner paddlers? 

Definitely don’t start out doing 6 miles like I did! 

If it’s your first time, I would say go somewhere you know it’s going to be easy to get in and back out of the water. I’ll go to a local neighborhood where they have a little boat drop and it’s very easy for me to get in and out of the water. Definitely wear a life jacket if that makes you feel more comfortable.  

And just know it’s a very balance-driven workout, but if you put your feet out wide enough, you’re going to feel pretty stable. I feel like a lot of people get nervous because they think “Oh, I can’t balance on that thing.” But it’s not like you’re surfing in waves. It’s more about finding the middle of the board and finding your balance. 

Any big summer plans with your SUP? 

My boyfriend lives in Florida in St. Pete, so I may take my board with me there. I’ve never tried paddling in the ocean, so I think that’d be fun. I’ve also never been to any of the springs, so we’re hoping to take our boards and check that out! 

Krystal’s Protein Cookie Dough Stuffed Dates  

The perfect handheld treat for a boost of energy on your board! Pack your lunch box cooler with enough for you and your fellow explorers and keep the adventure going. 


  • 20 dates 
  • Cooked chickpeas, drained (1 can)  
  • ¼ cup peanut butter  
  • 2 scoops protein powder 
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
  • Hu Kitchen or LILY’S chocolate chips 
  • 1tsp coconut oil 
  • Chopped peanuts (optional) 


                1. Melt your chocolate chips with the 1tsp of coconut oil until it forms a nice liquid. Set aside. 
                2. Combine the chickpeas, peanut butter, protein powder, and vanilla extract until mixed well. 
                3. Stuff each date with 1 tbsp of the mixture, then drizzle your melted chocolate on top.  
                4. Option to sprinkle chopped peanuts on to the melted chocolate. 
                5. Place in the freezer until frozen. 
                6. Remove them from the freezer and let them soften before eating. 


                Follow along with Krystal @thekleannutritionist and check out her site kleanourish.com where she makes it easy to make your nutrition a priority.